Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Zoe and Abby went to school camp two weeks ago. It was 1 night away at a place called Camp Birragai with the whole of Year 3 from school (medals should be given to teachers). They had a great time and returned filled with stories of flying foxes, not sleeping, food, campfires and all the things camp should be about. From a parents perspective I didn't think it would be too much but it felt like quite a big deal - the girls were off on their own for a night. Don't worry I didn't cry but on the other hand I wasn't there when the bus drove off!
Sunday, 2 April 2017
Hard to believe but Abby and Zoe turn 9 this Wednesday. Although we are not quite there yet we had their party last night - a sleepover/slumber party with the girls and 4 of their closest friends. Belinda's genius idea was to have the sleepover in the tent in the backyard - this was genius because (a) the girls thought it was the best idea ever and (b) it increased the chance of us parents surviving the whole experience. Its now the day after and it went very well. Not much sleep was had but highlights included Bob the Snail in the tent, possums fighting (thankfully outside the tent), a night walk, treasure hunt, watching Trolls the movie, pancakes for brekky and the personalised pillow cases Belinda made for each party-goer. Not sure how we'll survive this afternoon but we've made some memories for our soon-to-be 9 year olds and their friends so thats great.
I am Old
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
I just found this image on the computer which the computer says was taken earlier this month. I don't know how to take a photo on the computer, let alone how to make it look like this. I am officially old and my daughters are officially getting older!
2016 and 2017
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Well the blog has died. I guess with the girls going to school the need for an outlet while at home finished. Also maybe the advent of Facebook gave me an occasional way to 'blog' in the online world. But at least I can keep the anniversary record going so here is 2016 and 2017. Also updated the photos of the series in February 15. This year's photo was a little more challenging as we forgot the camera haha! Luckily phones have come a long way so managed to get a snap. I doubt that anyone other than my Mum checks the page anymore so Hi Mum and thanks to anyone else who has a look. 2017
Anniversary No 12!
Saturday, 21 February 2015
I'm back on the now neglected blog for the Anniversary photo ritual. Here is the 13th in the series for the 12th anniversary with the rock and the unseen rock that the camera sits on (no selfie sticks here!). I've also updated the summary photo on the February 15 link on the left hand side of the page. If there is anyone still visiting this page then thanks and please take a looksie!
Canberra footy photo
Sunday, 17 August 2014
AFter a bit of digging found the photo I was looking for in last blog entry. After the game in Canberra (Zoe's first game) on the ground at Manuka Oval.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
A highlight of the year for me this year so far has been going to the footy with Zoe. The first game we went to was in Canberra vs GWS and then a month ago, while on a coincidentally planned holiday ;), going in Cairns vs Gold Coast. Zoe had decided she wanted to come to the footy and we have had a great time. Scoring in the footy record, asking questions ("What happens when it hits the post Daddy?"), eating pies and buying merchandise (when at the footy Zoe could ask me for a BMW and I would buy it for her!). Its been a great father-daughter experience. Oh and in case you are wondering while Zoe and I have been at the footy Belinda and Abby have had a great time having a girls night in with Nanny. Heres a photo from Cairns of Zoe and Pa at the game:
Habits start early
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Nearly forgot my blog username and password.... but anyway! Habits do start early. Below is a happy snap of Abby having fallen asleep in early 2010, just short of 2 years old. The other one is from this weekend age 6 and a quarter.
Feb 15 - Anniversary 11
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Another year, another anniversary and importantly another to add to our photo series. For those who haven't followed the story so far Belinda and I were married on February 15, 2003 and every year since then, on February 15, we have returned to the lawn where we were married in the National Botanic Gardens to take a photo. The idea is over time it will paint a picture of life I guess by taking a snapshot on the same day each year. This years photo was a little less tricky, because the 15th fell on a Saturday, but a little more tricky because it was pelting down rain all day. None-the-less we trekked out to the lawn, with an umbrella for the camera, Belinda set the timer running and the photo below followed. I've added it to the Anniversary series as well (see 'February 15' link on the top left of this page).
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Abby and Zoe are school girls! First day dawned with much excitement and just generally being pumped! No trouble with morning routines, a few happy snaps with our school girls (see below) and then off on the long walk to school. Even the McCraes can't be late when you live opposite school. Well at least on the first day... The girls so far have loved it with highlights being music, french tomorrow is much awaited, having many pre school friends in class and making new friends, their lovely teacher Mrs Rolfe and just generally soaking it up. And us parents are coping pretty well too when you see such happy girls.
Thursday, 6 February 2014
OK the archives have had a bit of a fix up - thanks to the delightful Cathy McComb. If you are keen for a trip down memory lane click on the archives button on the left. Entries are broken up into years and obviously they are all witty, insightful and thought provoking.
Last days before school
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Well its Saturday morning and on Monday Abby & Zoe start school. They both seem pretty happy and content. Abby is counting down the days and Zoe is asking why can't she go back to preschool because it was so great. Both girls have been wearing their school shoes the last few days after our friend Shannon, a school teacher, gave them the tip to wear the shoes in so they don't get blisters. But of course as this exciting era of school begins I've been reflecting on the era that is ending, that of being home with Daddy or Mummy. I must admit I've been a little sad that it was ending which seems ironic given how many days during this era I would've been counting down the minutes till Belinda was home or until A&Z were in bed! As my Dad said, sometimes the days seem like years and the years seem like days. So for the sake of posterity and because there are already so many things I've forgotten here are some of the things that happened over the last week of having two girls at home which have happened many times over the past 5 years: - We went to Dickson Pool, Questacon, caught up with Emily & Amelia (twins who we met at the Hospital when the girls were born), had lunch with the Kings (Laura, Emma, Sam & Oliver), went to the Arboretum (with Grandma, Auntie Jo, Roy and Lewie) and went to the shops to get some things (although not our most common haunt - the mighty Jammo).
- We didn't go to Civic Library on the bus, play at John Knight Park or down the markets to play under the mushroom but these things have happened many times over the past 5 years, the markets virtually weekly.
- The parent who was home had the morning routine of put last nights hand washed dishes away, unpack the dishwasher, feed the chooks, hang the washing out, make breakfast, make coffees (jase), make lunches (belinda), harangue A&Z into getting dressed, harangue A&Z into cleaning teeth and harangue A&Z into putting sunscreen on. This is then followed by directing entertainment for A&Z while washing dishes, making morning teas and packing a bag for whatever the morning activity is. I think its fair to say that despite 5 years of this Belinda would not say my washing dishes and general cleaning skills have improved but I reckon my morning teas are pretty good.
- Entertainment at home included playing shops, playing doctors, sorting out beads, taking our twin babies (dollies) out in prams (I managed to talk them out of taking them to the shops), riding bikes, making mud pies and 'potions' (outside thankfully), printing out colouring sheets from the computer (and then colouring them in), tele of course (currently Ben & Holly and Peppa Pig are faves), sometimes games on phones, playing in the car, craft of course (not my strength), playing barbies, definitely stories/books and dancing to the Wiggles. Sometimes two girls doing laps of the house nude yelling out "Ladi-da-da" repeatedly which little girls think is hilarious and parents find draining but, possibly like a lot of parenting things, will be missed when its gone.
- Of course there has been some yelling and hollering, many tears and tantrums, a few times one or both girls sent to their rooms, a few times a parent going to their room or outside for a personal 'time-out' and a lot of mess not cleaned up.
Its gonna be weird next week with no days at home with the girls but we are all ready for school and this next era is gonna be a lot of fun. And I think, given I can recall after Week 2 of having the girls at home as babies thinking seriously how were we gonna make it to Week 4, that we've done a pretty good job.
Kindy letter
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
With 4 days till school starts we were all excited when the girls received (each) letters from the Principal of Aranda PS last week! A very cute letter welcoming the girls and, very subtly, reminding us incompetent parents of the details of Day 1 at big school. Excitement not too bad at this stage although plenty of reflection from Belinda and I. Tomorrow my last day home with the girls before school..... (no I'm not coping! ;)) I scanned in the letter for the blog (see below) but failed to make it readable - not a bad thing as I've probably broken 15 copyright laws by posting it on the internet.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Well its been coming for a while but last week saw our first tooth out. Zoe had grown an adult tooth behind her front baby tooth (known as a shark tooth according to Dr. Google and occurring in 10% of children...) since Christmas and last week the baby one came out in a sandwich. Belinda and I were very excited. Zoe was VERY proud. Abby did not take it well. (But to her credit recovered about an hour later and then was also proud). Tooth fairy came that night at the standard rate A & Z told us it would - $2 for first tooth and $1 for every tooth after that. Zoe phoned Nanny & Pa and Grandma and Grandpa to tell them and has been telling everyone about it since. Hopefully one of Abby's will come out soon!
Preschool Concert
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Amazingly it is almost the end of the PreSchool year (kinder to our Victorian readers) before starting Kindergarten (Prep) next year. Where did the year go? Last night was the PreSchool end of year celebration. It was really a concert but the girls teacher didn't like to call it a concert coz the thought of organising up to 80 preschoolers to sing freaked her out! We had a lovely picnic with all the other families while our children buzzed around like excited bees before being rounded up for the concert. The kids did a great job singing with not any stage fright that I could see. Abby loved singing and doing the moves while Zo concentrated hard to get it all just right. Belinda, as she had predicted, cried in the audience. Below is a little snap with the kids in mid move - Zoe is to the left sitting down in purple and Abs is sitting down in the middle making rolly-polly hand moves. Very proud. :)